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No room for complacency, says Amos the prophet.

Jonathan Boon

Living a cushy life? Paid off your home loans? Feeling good about yourself for volunteering in church?

If this sounds familiar, then we have news for you.

In our latest Sermon Series Overview, we trace the warnings by Amos the prophet who confronts Israel, a nation that had become complacent with its prosperity, security and religiosity!

Under God’s microscope, Israel’s idolatry and injustice become shockingly apparent. God urged the nation to repent of their complacent sins and return to Him or face impending judgement.

This sombre warning against complacency is what Christians and non-Christians both need to hear. Is this a message for your church today?

If you think it is, then do consider studying the book of Amos with your church and see what God has to say.

In a few weeks, our church will begin a new preaching series on the book of Amos. The preachers met together recently to discuss and to agree upon:

1. The situation of the original readers

2. The main point and purpose of the whole book

3. The sections within the book.

It was helpful to remember that the pulpit planning process requires coherence across multiple speakers. When every speaker is on the same page regarding the the big idea and flow of the book, our church audience is able to follow along in the weekly sermons and benefit from a great sense of continuity.

With that in mind, check out our latest material on the book of Amos. I hope that it will be useful in your ministry to your church.

Jonathan Boon is a Ministry Apprentice at Bethesda Church Bukit Arang. He loves straight lines, right angles and math.



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