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A note to pastors: 6 examples of sermon series posters

Min Liu

Don't keep your sermon calendar in your inbox or folder; let your church know EARLY. Publicise it. Why? So they have something tangible to invite their family and friends to.

Here's an idea: The next time you share about an upcoming series, promote it with a themed poster. Place prints around your physical building and in the church bulletin. Send it as an electronic poster through email, social media, and messaging apps.

In our Sermon Overview series, we shared the importance of coherence. Here are 6 examples of sermon series posters launched in Bethesda Church Bukit Arang that aimed to give a sense of continuity. Notice how the main idea of the bible passages is captured as the "theme" of the poster. This will help your congregation know what to expect and who they should invite to listen.

1. 1 Corinthians 1-4 - God's New Community

Main Point of 1 Corinthians 1-4: We already have everything in Christ crucified.

Purpose Statement: Don’t be divided by human factions. Be united in Christ.

If you have not checked this out, here it is.

2. 1 Corinthians 5-7 - Sex Talks!

Main Point of 1 Corinthians 5-7: The Church and our bodies belong to God.

Purpose Statement: Maintain purity in the Church and glorify God with our bodies.

If you have not checked this out, here it is.

3. 1 Corinthians 8-14 - I'm Better Than You!

Main Point of 1 Corinthians 8-14: Christians are saved to be one body in Christ, shaped by God’s truths, for the glory of God.

Purpose Statement: Consider how to lovingly build others up in God’s truths in your decision making and when you meet together with other Christians.

If you have not checked this out, here it is.

4. Amos - Are You Safe?

Main Point of Amos: God will not spare Israel from judgment (like the other nations) for their persistent and complacent disobedience but will bless the remnant of repentant people in Israel and in the world.

Purpose Statement: Turn back / Repent to seek God

If you have not checked this out, here it is.

5. Ecclesiastes - Your Meaningless Life

Main Point of Ecclesiastes: All of Life under the Sun is Vain. There is Life under Heaven/God’s coming Judgement.

Purpose Statement: Stop striving to find meaning/gain in this vain life under the sun! Simply fear God and keep his commandments.

If you have not checked this out, here it is.

6. Colossians - The Secret to Spiritual Growth

Main Point of Colossians: The gospel is all-sufficient for spiritual maturity despite rival claims

Purpose Statement: Stick to the gospel for spiritual maturity resisting rival claims.

If you have not checked this out, here it is.

Min Liu serves as the editor for TheWordWorks. She loves thinking of ways to amplify the gospel. She and her husband attend Bethesda Church Bukit Arang in Singapore.



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