Here is what we’ve done. We’ve dredged up some old sermons we’ve preached and combed through our own definition of what expository preaching is.
The results are not pretty.
In this document, our old sermons are dissected, the guts of it laid out for all to see and a sober analysis is done of why, even though we had the best intentions, they were not expository sermons.
Why do this painful exercise?
It’s because we want God’s word to be preached in the way God intended it to be preached: respecting the authors’ intent (both divine and human), faithfully following the contours of the author’s words and addressing the situations God wants addressed.
It is our conviction that when we let God speak in the way He wants to be heard, God’s people are transformed and people are called into his Kingdom.
Part 2 of What is not expository preaching? will be posted up when we’ve cleaned up the gory mess of Part 1.
Keen to know more? Subscribe and follow us in Part 2 of this module!
Ivan is a Elder-Pastor at Bethesda Church Bukit Arang. He's suffering now but knows glory is near. He supports Liverpool and has 7 kids.